Harnessing the Tremendous Power of Video Marketing

Watching VideoWithout question, video is taking the world of content marketing by storm. If you’d like to realize the full potential of this powerful marketing tool for your business, you’ll need to do more than just produce a single video because consumers today are eagerly and quickly consuming video content when looking for products and services to buy. The potential reach video marketing offers is undeniable as video sharing sites like YouTube receive millions of unique visitors each month, making a very compelling argument in favor of marketing your business with videos.  Here are just three of the many benefits your business could receive for incorporating videos in your marketing mix.

Videos Provide You with the Ability to Go Viral
Every business owner dreams of creating and sharing content that goes viral online but very few businesses actually achieve this. However, the online videos you create for your business can indeed go viral across the web if you manage to pull off the task of creating very compelling and entertaining videos your viewers will want to share with the people they know.

There are countless stories out there about companies and organizations of all types and sizes that have reaped the benefits of having their videos go viral online. One example that immediately comes to mind the is video entitled “The Force” – a Star Wars-themed video Volkswagen released on YouTube prior to the 2011 Super Bowl. That short, 60-second video received over 1 million views within the first few hours of it’s release and it spread like wildfire online as social media users shared it at a fevered pitch across their social channels.

Videos are Search Engine-Friendly
When marketing online, one of the main objectives is to please the search engines so that your content is pushed up in the SERPs or search engine ranking pages. All the major search engines favor video content because of the simple fact that videos provide value and encourage user engagement. One of the most significant search engine advancements made over the past couple of years has been the integration of different types of content directly into the SERPs. Nowadays, when a search engine such as Google sees a page with video content and considers it relevant to the search query, it will rank that page above similar pages featuring text only content.

Video Delivers Information Fast
As consumers become increasingly internet-savvy, they become more and more interested in receiving the information they want and need quickly. Numerous research studies have found that people prefer spending a minute or two watching a video over reading text-only content when they’re seeking information about something online. When you regularly incorporate videos into your marketing strategy, you will be giving consumers what they want plus you’ll be able to communicate your most important points to your targeted audience in very little time.

For example’s sake, let’s say that you run a brick and mortar bookstore. Someone in your vicinity searches for a bookstore when suddenly your short promotional video shows up at the top of their search results. This person is more than likely to click on your video to find out more about your business. And, it’s likely that your video will be remembered as video content does a better job of making a long-lasting impression than does text-only content. This means that even if the person does not visit your business now, he or she may do so in the future because they will remember the information you presented in your video.