How To Choose Music To Complement Your Business

sheet-music-2-142262370% of all callers are put on hold. The majority of those encounter silence and hang up shortly thereafter. If you aren’t incorporating a hold message into your phone systems, you are missing out on a valuable marketing opportunity. Hold times offer companies a window of forced attention, and pose valuable potential to businesses seeking to better connect with their customers.

A Layered Message

Companies of all sizes who use on-hold messages say that those messages were a useful marketing tool for their business. A proper on-hold message can add value to your operations and long-term marketing plans.

Writing scripts for on-hold messages means writing for the ear versus the eye. It is a complex process that involves pairing a concise series of informational messages with the proper sounds and music. It needs to activate all auditory senses and trigger a positive emotional response. Music, whose soothing power has been widely recognized by studies throughout time, is an integral part of cultivating that response.

When it comes to your company’s on-hold message, you should select music that is both effective and reflects your company’s voice. If your company’s website uses a more casual, humorous tone, your on-hold music should reflect that. Consider a bouncy melody or tunes with happy notes. Conversely, if your company maintains a more professional, reserved front, your music should be a bit more serious, or subdued. Either way, MACS! can help you curate the ideal melodic counterpart to your on-hold message.

Get The Perfect On-Hold Music from MACS!

Messages on Hold! offers everything you need to make your customers hold experience pleasant and memorable. We’ll work with you to find the perfect music to fit your company’s vibe, and we’ll combine it with customized messages about your business. Let us create a customized and effective on-hold marketing plan, designed to inform and relax your callers. We offer no contracts, low monthly fees, and a proven record of success. Don’t wait—craft your business’s ideal on hold marketing plan today!