It is so easy for a business owner to fall into the trap of being so busy gaining new customers that they forget all about the importance of keeping those they already have. This is a situation no business owner should find themselves in. It is extremely counterproductive due to the fact that it’s far easier to sell to an existing customer than to brand new prospects. Here are three relatively simple ways to keep those customers you already have.
Engage with Them
Your customers, whether you realize it or not, would like to engage with you. Consumers today think favorably upon those businesses that take the time to engage with them. This is why you need to be active on the appropriate social media channels because your customers are using social media daily. When you post on social media, don’t come across as being non-approachable. Instead, dial down the business tone a notch or two to show that there’s a personality behind that brand. Then when your followers comment on your posts, waste no time in responding back. This makes your customers feel connected and appreciated which will help in retaining them over the long-term.
Offer Your Customers Regular Deals & Promos
Everybody loves getting a great deal! Running regular promos and special sales is a very effective way of retaining customers by keeping them engaged with you. The key is to run relevant promos that reward customers and make them feel good about doing business with you. You can even offer special discounts tailored specifically for those customers you feel you are losing. And don’t forget about the little things people like. Sending out holiday cards and giving away promotional items are great for customer retention. Try to put yourself in the shoes of your customers. You want to feel important and surely you appreciate being appreciated! So, by all means, show your customers they’re important by offering them regular deals and promos!
Make Use of a Message on Hold Service
If you’re like most small businesses, you speak to many of your customers on the telephone. Perhaps you have a phone number your customers call when they place orders or have questions about your products/services or your business in general. Nobody likes being put on hold but being left in complete silence is even worse. This is why you should make use of a message on hold service. Instead of making your customers sit in silence while waiting to speak with you, they could spend that time listening to a well-crafted message instead. Your customers will truly appreciate this gesture as it will clearly show that you care about them. It’s up to you what type of message you use be it one that’s laced with humor, promotional in nature or informative wherein you share business/industry news with your listeners.