How to Use Video to Market What You Sell

ScreenOver the past few years, more and more businesses have realized how powerful and valuable videos can be to their marketing campaigns. However, most businesses don’t have a clue about what type of video content they should produce. With so many possibilities from product demos to inspiring stories, it can be very challenging to know what makes the most sense for each individual business. Here are a few tips for video production that can help you create informative clips that will help you sell what it is your business offers.

Product/Service Demonstrations
Instead of just telling your customers about what you sell, it’s more effective to show them via a how-to video guide. A video that shows your product or service in action can be a very effective way of turning a prospective customer into a paying customer. Marketers know that an informed consumer is one more likely to make a purchase so do consider creating and distributing videos that demonstrate how your products or services work.

Customer Testimonials
Today, many consumers look for customer testimonials online before making purchases as people trust the opinions of others. This is why it’s a great idea to create videos featuring some of your loyal customers talking about your products and/or services. You could entice your current customers to “star” in your videos by giving them a deep discount or something for free.

Show Your Personal Side
People tend to prefer doing business with businesses that show their personal side. Consider creating a video that features you or your staff talking about your business and the products/services you sell. A behind-the-scene peek will provide prospective customers a look at how your business is structured and run. Just be sure that the personality of your business and staff shines through on the video you produce.

In today’s busy and stressful world, everybody is open for a little fun now and then. This is why entertaining videos can go far in marketing your business as people never forget what made them smile and even laugh out loud. Some of the most successful videos ever produced for marketing purposes were highly entertaining so let your creative juices flow and come up with a fun storyline to base your video around.

Share Industry Expertise
Video can be used to provide commentary on industry news. By creating videos wherein you talk about the latest industry trends and news, you cam establish yourself as an industry “mover and shaker” with clout. This is a great way to build your reputation and to create a buzz about your business so you will viewed as an authority in your niche.

Answer FAQs
When you create and distribute a video that answers your most frequently asked questions, you will be better able to engage with your customer base. When making this type of video, be sure to allow comments so you can answer any remaining questions people have about your business and the products and/or services you offer.

These are just a few of the ways you can unleash the power of video when marketing your business. As more and more consumers are watching informative videos about brands and products & services, using videos when marketing is more of a requirement instead of an option today. Plus, videos can go far in boosting your SEO efforts online so get out there and start producing videos that highlight your business!